Thinking In The Past.




















引退後の人生は現役時代と少し違うけど、大丈夫。なんとかなるし、君ならなんとかできる。ピンチの時にそれを乗り越えられる強さを持っている人しか、トップアスリートにはなれない。それに、そもそも君は何にも持っていなかったんだから、スポーツを始めたあの時みたいに、また基礎練習から始めていけばいいだけなんだよ。[:en]You’re on the top of the world and probably could care less about hearing a word I say. I guess athletes are like that and that’s how you should be. So yes, go ahead and keep striving for the top and don’t let anything get in your way. But here is a fact that you will not be able to change. Your running career won’t last forever, and when the end comes, you’ll probably feel quite lost. You may think this is preachy, but I’m writing this for when that time comes, in hope that these words will be etched in your mind somewhere and guide you in your time of confusion.

First of all, once you retire, that high from the adrenaline you feel when you are running unfortunately will never happen again.
It’s not so much the loss of the affect you have on the public, but it’s the feeling of aiming for that clear goal, the experience of training your body, and the thrill of competing with the world’s best athletes. It’s just that your experience as an athlete is so different from everyday life that it’s unrepeatable. I understand that you may crave that excitement again, but if you’re thinking that you won’t be able to live without it, you’ll have to think again. If you keep searching for that feeling, you’ll end up stuck in a maze.

You should also be aware that the looks of awe that you get as you walk down the streets will also fade away. Those people that crowd you when you’re attending a party may feel like a hassle, but don’t worry, they will also go away too. You might even miss them a little after a while. And those children that bug you for your autograph? Well, once you retire, kids won’t even know who you are. You’ll even end up getting used to overhearing kids asking their teachers “who is that guy coaching us today?”

The fame and money that you have now are certainly because of your efforts and talent. But this kind of talent is different from that which is acquired through regular employment. Instead of continually growing, your skill will start to diminish after peaking. I know you don’t want to hear this, but you’re going to eventually retire once that decline passes a point of no return. You will then have to start over again to focus on a completely different skill to develop.

You may feel the need to share this feeling of loss and loneliness with someone, but unfortunately, there are a limited few who have experienced what you have. When you do open up, people will most likely respond with lines like,
“Don’t worry, you’re still very popular” or
“Well, at least you found fame once in your life.”
This is probably not what you want to hear. You will wonder how to fill this void, but not many people can answer this question. You’re just going to have to live with that emptiness for a while.

This letter is getting to be a bit long, so I’m going to end with a few suggestions.
1. Bring your lifestyle and sense of pride back within regular levels.
2. Sustain your connection with society in any way possible.
3. Reevaluate your accomplishments in a more abstract way

First of all, you’ll need to learn how to live a more normal life. People may say that you’ve become cheap, or that you’re a “has been”, but don’t let that get to you. Learn how to live within your means, and only spend what you can bring in. Please try not to let your inflated sense of pride get in the way. Much of the pain that you feel stems from this strong sense of pride. It’s also getting in the way of how you connect with people, making them hesitate to talk to you and offer you help. So throw your pride away, and try to live with the sense of naiveté and hope when you were a freshman nervously preparing to knock on the doors of the school track team.

Secondly, make an effort to stay connected with the world around you. How about trying going to school or working at an office or maybe just go on a trip with some friends? It really doesn’t matter how, but what is important is that you keep your connection to society. You may not see the way now, but if you keep at it, the answer will come to you.

Thirdly, try to reevaluate what you have accomplished more abstractly. What you did until now may have been, in a concrete sense, participation in sports, but try to see what was lying behind it. What was it that you tried to convey, accomplish, and obtain through sports? If sport was the tool, what was the objective behind it? Try to figure this out. The answer may not come easily, but if you can even vaguely see the answer, you’ll probably start to understand that you can accomplish this goal without relying on sports. You’ll realize that the higher the summit, the more paths there are to reach it.

Your life after retiring from competitive sports will be quite different from what it is now. But don’t worry, it will all work out. Top athletes only reach their eminence by overcoming the toughest of situations, so you’ll be able to overcome this as well. And remember, there isn’t much that you are starting with anyways. Just like the day when you first started running, simply start from basic training again.