Thinking In The Past.













 [:en]”Freedom to Flee”

The title for my new book is called “Freedom to Flee”. Some of you may know that my last book was titled “The Power of Giving Up”, so you may think I am on some kind of negative spree. But I have my reasons for choosing this title.

Life is full of problems, in sports and in society alike. Some say that it’s almost like you’re constantly chased by problems and perpetually running out of time. It seems as though there is a never-ending pile of issues, and even though everyone seems to be running around trying to solve them, the end is nowhere to be seen.

However, taking a good look at the situation, one may start to wonder if there truly is an issue that requires solving. Before there can be an issue, there must be a belief as to how things should be: how society should be, how life should be, or how people should be. But where do these assumptions come from? And are they truly principles that you cannot change?

For example, let’s say a certain person believes that everyone should get along, and not doing so is unacceptable. One day, a new member joins her office and starts to cause problems. People start to avoid this new member but our character clings to her belief and feels that all that is needed is a heart-to-heart talk. She makes every effort, but she not only fails to resolve the issue, but finds that the new member is bad mouthing her. The harder she tries, the deeper she falls into a vicious cycle, until finally she feels completely frustrated and wonders how everything ended up so wrong.

Trying to solve a problem that is presented to you is commendable. And just like the new employee in our story, there often is someone who causes problems in groups. If this were a movie or a book, the main character, filled with compassion and conscience, would probably fight for peace and harmony and win over the troublemaker to finally create new friendships. But life is not always like that. Not only are we not superheroes, but we also have a limited amount of time and resources.

Going back to our example, what was the driving belief, and the related issue that presented itself? Our well-meaning protagonist mounted a serious-minded attack on an issue as soon as it presented itself, failing to consider whether the issue truly needed to be resolved. She also was inclined to blame herself for not acting or not doing enough. She spent her days trying to figure out the solution, only to find that she was the only one working on the problem and carrying the whole burden of that problem. Her image of who she should be, or of how society should be, escalated to one of an “ideal person and society”. This led to very little freedom.

And so, here belies the reasoning for my Fleeing tactic.
Of course, fleeing will not allow you to escape your issue. You are who you are, and will live your life accordingly. Which is exactly why I suggest that when you face an issue, step away. Give yourself some space to look at the issue from a distance and gain perspective. Here is another example based on my own experience as an athlete. When an athlete experiences a slump in their career, it’s not so much their body or skill that has actually declined, rather, they become trapped in the mindset that they are in a slump. And the ones that really get stuck in this mode are not those that lack a clear goal, but those that feel that their only option is to succeed. If you think about it, people rarely feel trapped about something they don’t feel an urgency to succeed at.

What I wanted to convey through my new book “Freedom to flee” is how you distance yourself from your current situation. Sometimes you just need to step away. By doing so you may find that you gain perspective not only on the problem, but about yourself. By fleeing the situation and giving yourself some space, you may find exactly what it was that has been trapping you all along.

